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2024/ pre-prints
Single-trial relationships between neural and pupillometric indices of error-processing and behavior.
LoTemplio, S., Silcox, J.W., Strayer, D. & Payne, B.R. (2024). Authorea pre-print. [pdf]
Co-registered eye-movements and brain potentials reveal multiple effects of context across the visual field in natural reading.
Copeland, A. & Payne, B.R. (2024). Authorea pre-print. [pdf]
Did you say brain or brave? Event-related potentials reveal the central role of phonological prediction in false hearing.
Silcox, J.W. & Payne, B.R. (2024). OSF pre-print. [pdf]
Evaluating aperiodic and periodic neural activity as markers of listening effort in speech perception.
Woods, S.J., Silcox, J.W. & Payne, B.R. (2024). Auditory Perception & Cognition. [pdf]
The costs (and benefits?) of effortful listening for older adults: Insights from simultaneous electrophysiology, pupillometry, and memory.
Silcox, J.W., Bennett, K., Copeland, A., Ferguson, S. H., & Payne, B.R. (2024). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. [pdf]
Graded and ungraded expectation patterns: Prediction dynamics during active comprehension.
Lai, M., Payne, B.R., & Federmeier, K.D. (2024). Psychophysiology. [pdf]
Disruption to left inferior frontal cortex modulates semantic prediction effects in reading and subsequent memory: Evidence from simultaneous TMS-EEG.
Silcox, J.W, Mickey, B., & Payne, B.R. (2023). Psychophysiology [pdf]
To err is human- to understand error-processing is divine: Contributions of working memory and anxiety to error-related brain and pupil responses.
LoTemplio, S., Silcox, J.W, Murdock, R.S.,Strayer, D.L., & Payne, B.R.. (2023). Psychophysiology [pdf]
Updating the relationship of the Ne/ERN to task-related behavior: A brief review and suggestions for future research.
LoTemplio, S., Lopes, C., McDonnell, A., Scott, E., Payne, B.R. & Strayer, D.L. (2023). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience [pdf]
Text captioning buffers against the effects of background noise and hearing loss on memory for speech.
Payne, B.R., Silcox, J.W., Crandell, H.A., Lash, A., Ferguson, S.H., & Lohani, M. (2022). Ear & Hearing [pdf]
The effects of captioning errors, background noise, and hearing loss on memory for text-captioned speech.
Crandell, H.A., Silcox, J.W., Ferguson, S.H., Lohani, M., & Payne, B.R. (2022). Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research [pdf]
Older adults show intraindividual variation in the use of predictive processing in reading.
Jongman, S., Copeland, A., Yaki, X., Payne, B.R., & Federmeier, K.D (2022). Experimental Aging Research [pdf]
Cognitive Aging [book].
Federmeier, K.D. & Payne, B.R. (Eds.). Psychology of Learning and Motivation - Advances in Research and Theory [link]
The costs (and benefits) of effortful listening on context processing: A simultaneous electrophysiology, pupillometry, and behavioral study.
Silcox, J.W., & Payne, B.R. (2021). Cortex [pdf]
Inter-and intra-individual coupling between pupillary, electrophysiological, and behavioral responses in a visual oddball task.
LoTemplio, S., Silcox, J.W., Federmeier, K.D., & Payne, B.R. (2021). Psychophysiology [pdf]
Music is similar to language in terms of working memory interference.
Fennell, A.M., Bugos, J.A., Payne, B.R., & Schotter, E.R., (2021). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review [pdf]
Cross-lagged relationships between sense of purpose, memory performance, and subjective memory beliefs in adulthood over a 9-year interval.
Dewitte, L., Lewis, N.A.,Payne, B.R., Turiano, N.A., & Hill, P.L. (2021). Aging and Mental Health [pdf]
Literacy skill and intra-individual variability in eye-fixation durations during reading: Evidence from a diverse community-based adult sample.
Payne, B.R., Federmeier, K.D., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L., (2020). Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology [pdf]
Daily cognitive complaints and engagement in older adulthood: Personality traits are more predictive than cognitive performance.
Hill, P.L., Aschwanden, D. Payne, B.R.., & Allemand, M. (2020). Psychology and Aging [pdf]
Event-related brain potentials and multilingual language processing: The N’s and P’s.
Payne, B.R., Ng, S., Shantz, K., & Federmeier, K.D. (2020). Psychology of Learning and Motivation [pdf]
Personality and cognitive health in aging.
Payne, B.R. & Lohani, M. (2020). Personality and Healthy Aging: New Directions and Techniques [pdf]
Nature as a potential moderator of the error-related negativity: A registered report.
LoTemplio, S., Scott., E., Hopman, R.J., McDonnell, A., McKinney, T., Payne, B.R., & Strayer, D. (2020). International Journal of Psychophysiology
A longitudinal training study to delinate the specific causal effects of open monitoring versus focused attention techniques.
Lohani, M., McElvaine, K., Payne, B.R., Mitcheom, K., & Britton, W. (2020). Complementary Therapies in Medicine [pdf]
Execution of lexical and conceptual processes in sentence comprehension among adult readers as a function of literacy skill.
Ng, S., Payne, B. R., Liu, X., Anderson, C. J., Federmeier, K. D., & Stine-Morrow, E. A. L. Scientific Studies of Reading [pdf]
Individual differences in reading speed are linked to variability in the processing of lexical and contextual information: Evidence from single-trial event-related brain potentials.
Payne, B.R. & Federmeier, K.D. Word [pdf]
Aerobic fitness relates to differential attentional but not language-related cognitive processes.
Chandler, M.C., McGowan, A.L., Wray, A.H., Payne, B.R. , & Pontifex, M.B. Brain and Language [pdf]
Linking openness to cognitive ability in older adulthood: The role of diversity in daily behavior.
Jackson, J.J. Hill, P.L., Payne, B.R. , Parisi, J., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Aging and Mental Health [pdf]
Eye movements and comprehension are important to reading.
Schotter, E.R. & Payne, B.R. Trends in Cognitive Science [pdf]
Event-related brain potentials reveal how multiple aspects of semantic processing unfold across parafoveal and foveal vision during sentence reading.
Payne, B.R., Stites, M.C., & Federmeier, K.D. Psychophysiology [pdf]
Aging, context processing, and comprehension.
Payne, B.R. & Silcox, J.W. Psychology of Learning and Motivation [pdf]
A review of psychophysiological measures to assess cognitive states in real-world driving.
Lohani, M., Payne, B.R., & Strayer, D.L. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience [pdf]
The influence of virtual environment complexity on motor learning in typically developing children and children with cerebral palsy.
Levac, D.E., Taylor, M. Payne, B.R., Ward, N. IEEE Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation [link]
Contextual constraints on lexico-semantic processing in aging: Evidence from single-word event-related brain potentials.
Payne, B.R. & Federmeier, K.D. Brain Research [pdf]
The ACTIVE conceptual framework as a structural equation model.
Gross, A.L., Payne, B.R., Cassanova, R., Davoudzadeh, P, Dzierzewski, J, Farias, S.Giovannetti, T., Ip, E., Marsiske, M., Rebok, G., Schaie, W., Thomas, K., & Willis, S., & Jones, R.N. Experimental Aging Research [pdf]
Emotional coherence in early and later adulthood during sadness reactivity and regulation.
Lohani, M., Payne, B.R., & Issacowitz, D. Emotion [pdf]
How struggling adult readers use contextual information when comprehending speech: Evidence from event-related brain potentials.
Ng. S., Payne, B.R., Stine-Morrow, E.A.L., & Federmeier, K.D. International Journal of Psychophysiology [pdf]
Event-related brain potentials reveal age-related changes in parafoveal-foveal integration during sentence processing.
Payne, B.R., & Federmeier, K.D. Neuropsychologia [pdf]
The effects of context on processing words during sentence reading among adults varying in age and literacy skill.
Steen-Baker, A., Ng, S., Payne, B.R., Federmeier, K.D., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Psychology and Aging [pdf]
The effects of home-based cognitive training on verbal working memory and language comprehension in older adulthood.
Payne, B.R. & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience [pdf]
Pace yourself: Intraindividual variability in context use during reading revealed by self-paced event-related brain potentials.
Payne, B.R. & Federmeier, K.D. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience [pdf]
Use of contextual information and prediction by struggling adult readers: Evidence from reading times and event-related potentials.
Ng, S., Payne, B.R., Steen, A., Federmeier, K.D., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Scientific Studies of Reading [pdf]
Getting ahead of yourself: Parafoveal word expectancy modulates the N400 during sentence reading.
Stites, M.C., Payne, B.R., & Federmeier, K.D. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience [pdf]
Purpose and cognitive functioning from middle to older adulthood: Findings from the MIDUS study.
Lewis, N.A., Turiano, N.A., Payne, B.R., & Hill, P.L. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition [pdf]
Don't forget the person when promoting healthy cognitive aging: A comment on Smith (2016).
Hill, P.L. & Payne, B.R. American Psychologist [pdf]
Self-perceived difficulties in everyday function precede cognitive decline among older adults in the ACTIVE study.
Farias, S., Giovannetti, T., Payne, B.R., Marsiske, M., Rebok, G., Schaie, W., Thomas, K., Willis, S., Dzierzewski, J.M., Unverzagt, F., & Gross, A.L. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society [pdf]
Decomposing the relationship between cognitive ability and self-referent memory beliefs in older adulthood: What’s memory got to do with it?
Payne, B.R., Gross, A. L., Hill, P.L., Parisi, J., Rebok, G., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition [pdf]
APA Early Career Award Paper: Out of the corner of my eye: Foveal semantic load modulates parafoveal processing during reading
Payne, B.R., Stites, M.C., & Federmeier, K.D. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance [pdf]
Age differences in language segmentation
Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. & Payne, B.R. Experimental Aging Research [pdf]
Editors Choice: Risk for mild cognitive impairment is associated with semantic integration deficits in sentence processing
Payne, B.R. & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences [pdf]
Adult age differences in information foraging in an interactive reading environment
Liu, X., Chin, J., Payne, B.R., Fu, W-T., Morrow, D., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Psychology and Aging [pdf]
Experimental research methods in lifespan human development
Payne, B.R. & Hill, P.L. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development. [link]
Revisiting the incremental effects of context on word processing: Evidence from single-word event-related brain potentials
Payne, B.R., Lee, C-L., & Federmeier, K.D. Psychophysiology [pdf]
Memory and comprehension for health information among older adults: Distinguishing the effects of domain-general and domain-specific knowledge
Chin, J., Payne, B.R., Gao, X., Stine-Morrow, E.A.L., Morrow, D.G., Conner-Garcia, T., Graumlich, J.F., & Murray, M.D. Memory [pdf]
Information foraging across the lifespan: Search and switch in unknown patches
Chin, J., Payne, B.R., Fu, W.T., Morrow, D.G., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. TopiCS in Cognitive Science [pdf]
Education and learning: Lifespan perspectives
Stine-Morrow, E. A. L., & Payne, B. R. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences [pdf]
Modeling longitudinal changes in older adults' memory for spoken discourse: Findings from the ACTIVE cohort
Payne, B.R., Gross, A., Parisi, J., Sisco, S., Stine-Morrow, E.A.L., Marsiske, M., & Rebok, G. Memory [pdf]
Training versus engagement as paths to cognitive enrichment with aging
Stine-Morrow, E.A.L., Payne, B.R., Roberts, B.W., Kramer, A.F., Morrow, D.G., Payne, L., Hill, P.L., Jackson, J.J., Gao, X., Noh, S.R., Janke, M., & Parisi, J. M. Psychology and Aging [pdf]
Age differences in wrap-up during sentence understanding: Evidence from ex-Gaussian distributional analyses of reading time
Payne, B.R. & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Psychology and Aging [pdf]
Aging and individual differences in binding during sentence understanding: Evidence from temporary and global syntactic attachment ambiguities
Payne, B.R., Grison, S., Gao, X., Christianson, K., Morrow, D.G., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Cognition [pdf]
Perceived social support predicts increased conscientiousness during older adulthood.
Hill, P.L., Payne, B.R., Jackson, J.J., Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. & Roberts, B.W. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences [pdf]
Aging, parafoveal preview, and semantic integration in sentence processing: Testing the cognitive workload of wrap-up.
Payne, B.R. & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Psychology and Aging [pdf]
Information foraging in unknown patches across the lifespan.
Chin, J., Payne, B.R., Battles, A., Fu, W.T., Morrow, D.G., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society [pdf]
The effects of print exposure on sentence processing and memory among older adults: Evidence for efficiency and reserve.
Payne, B.R., Gao, X., Noh, S.R., Anderson, C.J., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition. [pdf]
Can an old dog learn (and want to experience) new tricks? Cognitive training changes openness in older adults.
Jackson, J.J., Hill, P.L., Payne, B.R., Roberts, B.W., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Psychology and Aging. [pdf]
Memory self-efficacy predicts responsiveness to inductive reasoning training in older adults.
Payne, B.R., Jackson, J.J, Hill, P.L., Gao, X., Roberts, B.W., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. [pdf]
In the zone: Flow state and cognition in older adults.
Payne, B.R., Jackson, J.J., Noh, S.R., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Psychology and Aging. [pdf]
2024/ pre-prints
Single-trial relationships between neural and pupillometric indices of error-processing and behavior.
LoTemplio, S., Silcox, J.W., Strayer, D. & Payne, B.R. (2024). Authorea pre-print. [pdf]
Co-registered eye-movements and brain potentials reveal multiple effects of context across the visual field in natural reading.
Copeland, A. & Payne, B.R. (2024). Authorea pre-print. [pdf]
Did you say brain or brave? Event-related potentials reveal the central role of phonological prediction in false hearing.
Silcox, J.W. & Payne, B.R. (2024). OSF pre-print. [pdf]
Evaluating aperiodic and periodic neural activity as markers of listening effort in speech perception.
Woods, S.J., Silcox, J.W. & Payne, B.R. (2024). Auditory Perception & Cognition. [pdf]
The costs (and benefits?) of effortful listening for older adults: Insights from simultaneous electrophysiology, pupillometry, and memory.
Silcox, J.W., Bennett, K., Copeland, A., Ferguson, S. H., & Payne, B.R. (2024). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. [pdf]
Graded and ungraded expectation patterns: Prediction dynamics during active comprehension.
Lai, M., Payne, B.R., & Federmeier, K.D. (2024). Psychophysiology. [pdf]
Disruption to left inferior frontal cortex modulates semantic prediction effects in reading and subsequent memory: Evidence from simultaneous TMS-EEG.
Silcox, J.W, Mickey, B., & Payne, B.R. (2023). Psychophysiology [pdf]
To err is human- to understand error-processing is divine: Contributions of working memory and anxiety to error-related brain and pupil responses.
LoTemplio, S., Silcox, J.W, Murdock, R.S.,Strayer, D.L., & Payne, B.R.. (2023). Psychophysiology [pdf]
Updating the relationship of the Ne/ERN to task-related behavior: A brief review and suggestions for future research.
LoTemplio, S., Lopes, C., McDonnell, A., Scott, E., Payne, B.R. & Strayer, D.L. (2023). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience [pdf]
Text captioning buffers against the effects of background noise and hearing loss on memory for speech.
Payne, B.R., Silcox, J.W., Crandell, H.A., Lash, A., Ferguson, S.H., & Lohani, M. (2022). Ear & Hearing [pdf]
The effects of captioning errors, background noise, and hearing loss on memory for text-captioned speech.
Crandell, H.A., Silcox, J.W., Ferguson, S.H., Lohani, M., & Payne, B.R. (2022). Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research [pdf]
Older adults show intraindividual variation in the use of predictive processing in reading.
Jongman, S., Copeland, A., Yaki, X., Payne, B.R., & Federmeier, K.D (2022). Experimental Aging Research [pdf]
Cognitive Aging [book].
Federmeier, K.D. & Payne, B.R. (Eds.). Psychology of Learning and Motivation - Advances in Research and Theory [link]
The costs (and benefits) of effortful listening on context processing: A simultaneous electrophysiology, pupillometry, and behavioral study.
Silcox, J.W., & Payne, B.R. (2021). Cortex [pdf]
Inter-and intra-individual coupling between pupillary, electrophysiological, and behavioral responses in a visual oddball task.
LoTemplio, S., Silcox, J.W., Federmeier, K.D., & Payne, B.R. (2021). Psychophysiology [pdf]
Music is similar to language in terms of working memory interference.
Fennell, A.M., Bugos, J.A., Payne, B.R., & Schotter, E.R., (2021). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review [pdf]
Cross-lagged relationships between sense of purpose, memory performance, and subjective memory beliefs in adulthood over a 9-year interval.
Dewitte, L., Lewis, N.A.,Payne, B.R., Turiano, N.A., & Hill, P.L. (2021). Aging and Mental Health [pdf]
Literacy skill and intra-individual variability in eye-fixation durations during reading: Evidence from a diverse community-based adult sample.
Payne, B.R., Federmeier, K.D., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L., (2020). Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology [pdf]
Daily cognitive complaints and engagement in older adulthood: Personality traits are more predictive than cognitive performance.
Hill, P.L., Aschwanden, D. Payne, B.R.., & Allemand, M. (2020). Psychology and Aging [pdf]
Event-related brain potentials and multilingual language processing: The N’s and P’s.
Payne, B.R., Ng, S., Shantz, K., & Federmeier, K.D. (2020). Psychology of Learning and Motivation [pdf]
Personality and cognitive health in aging.
Payne, B.R. & Lohani, M. (2020). Personality and Healthy Aging: New Directions and Techniques [pdf]
Nature as a potential moderator of the error-related negativity: A registered report.
LoTemplio, S., Scott., E., Hopman, R.J., McDonnell, A., McKinney, T., Payne, B.R., & Strayer, D. (2020). International Journal of Psychophysiology
A longitudinal training study to delinate the specific causal effects of open monitoring versus focused attention techniques.
Lohani, M., McElvaine, K., Payne, B.R., Mitcheom, K., & Britton, W. (2020). Complementary Therapies in Medicine [pdf]
Execution of lexical and conceptual processes in sentence comprehension among adult readers as a function of literacy skill.
Ng, S., Payne, B. R., Liu, X., Anderson, C. J., Federmeier, K. D., & Stine-Morrow, E. A. L. Scientific Studies of Reading [pdf]
Individual differences in reading speed are linked to variability in the processing of lexical and contextual information: Evidence from single-trial event-related brain potentials.
Payne, B.R. & Federmeier, K.D. Word [pdf]
Aerobic fitness relates to differential attentional but not language-related cognitive processes.
Chandler, M.C., McGowan, A.L., Wray, A.H., Payne, B.R. , & Pontifex, M.B. Brain and Language [pdf]
Linking openness to cognitive ability in older adulthood: The role of diversity in daily behavior.
Jackson, J.J. Hill, P.L., Payne, B.R. , Parisi, J., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Aging and Mental Health [pdf]
Eye movements and comprehension are important to reading.
Schotter, E.R. & Payne, B.R. Trends in Cognitive Science [pdf]
Event-related brain potentials reveal how multiple aspects of semantic processing unfold across parafoveal and foveal vision during sentence reading.
Payne, B.R., Stites, M.C., & Federmeier, K.D. Psychophysiology [pdf]
Aging, context processing, and comprehension.
Payne, B.R. & Silcox, J.W. Psychology of Learning and Motivation [pdf]
A review of psychophysiological measures to assess cognitive states in real-world driving.
Lohani, M., Payne, B.R., & Strayer, D.L. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience [pdf]
The influence of virtual environment complexity on motor learning in typically developing children and children with cerebral palsy.
Levac, D.E., Taylor, M. Payne, B.R., Ward, N. IEEE Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation [link]
Contextual constraints on lexico-semantic processing in aging: Evidence from single-word event-related brain potentials.
Payne, B.R. & Federmeier, K.D. Brain Research [pdf]
The ACTIVE conceptual framework as a structural equation model.
Gross, A.L., Payne, B.R., Cassanova, R., Davoudzadeh, P, Dzierzewski, J, Farias, S.Giovannetti, T., Ip, E., Marsiske, M., Rebok, G., Schaie, W., Thomas, K., & Willis, S., & Jones, R.N. Experimental Aging Research [pdf]
Emotional coherence in early and later adulthood during sadness reactivity and regulation.
Lohani, M., Payne, B.R., & Issacowitz, D. Emotion [pdf]
How struggling adult readers use contextual information when comprehending speech: Evidence from event-related brain potentials.
Ng. S., Payne, B.R., Stine-Morrow, E.A.L., & Federmeier, K.D. International Journal of Psychophysiology [pdf]
Event-related brain potentials reveal age-related changes in parafoveal-foveal integration during sentence processing.
Payne, B.R., & Federmeier, K.D. Neuropsychologia [pdf]
The effects of context on processing words during sentence reading among adults varying in age and literacy skill.
Steen-Baker, A., Ng, S., Payne, B.R., Federmeier, K.D., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Psychology and Aging [pdf]
The effects of home-based cognitive training on verbal working memory and language comprehension in older adulthood.
Payne, B.R. & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience [pdf]
Pace yourself: Intraindividual variability in context use during reading revealed by self-paced event-related brain potentials.
Payne, B.R. & Federmeier, K.D. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience [pdf]
Use of contextual information and prediction by struggling adult readers: Evidence from reading times and event-related potentials.
Ng, S., Payne, B.R., Steen, A., Federmeier, K.D., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Scientific Studies of Reading [pdf]
Getting ahead of yourself: Parafoveal word expectancy modulates the N400 during sentence reading.
Stites, M.C., Payne, B.R., & Federmeier, K.D. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience [pdf]
Purpose and cognitive functioning from middle to older adulthood: Findings from the MIDUS study.
Lewis, N.A., Turiano, N.A., Payne, B.R., & Hill, P.L. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition [pdf]
Don't forget the person when promoting healthy cognitive aging: A comment on Smith (2016).
Hill, P.L. & Payne, B.R. American Psychologist [pdf]
Self-perceived difficulties in everyday function precede cognitive decline among older adults in the ACTIVE study.
Farias, S., Giovannetti, T., Payne, B.R., Marsiske, M., Rebok, G., Schaie, W., Thomas, K., Willis, S., Dzierzewski, J.M., Unverzagt, F., & Gross, A.L. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society [pdf]
Decomposing the relationship between cognitive ability and self-referent memory beliefs in older adulthood: What’s memory got to do with it?
Payne, B.R., Gross, A. L., Hill, P.L., Parisi, J., Rebok, G., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition [pdf]
APA Early Career Award Paper: Out of the corner of my eye: Foveal semantic load modulates parafoveal processing during reading
Payne, B.R., Stites, M.C., & Federmeier, K.D. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance [pdf]
Age differences in language segmentation
Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. & Payne, B.R. Experimental Aging Research [pdf]
Editors Choice: Risk for mild cognitive impairment is associated with semantic integration deficits in sentence processing
Payne, B.R. & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences [pdf]
Adult age differences in information foraging in an interactive reading environment
Liu, X., Chin, J., Payne, B.R., Fu, W-T., Morrow, D., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Psychology and Aging [pdf]
Experimental research methods in lifespan human development
Payne, B.R. & Hill, P.L. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development. [link]
Revisiting the incremental effects of context on word processing: Evidence from single-word event-related brain potentials
Payne, B.R., Lee, C-L., & Federmeier, K.D. Psychophysiology [pdf]
Memory and comprehension for health information among older adults: Distinguishing the effects of domain-general and domain-specific knowledge
Chin, J., Payne, B.R., Gao, X., Stine-Morrow, E.A.L., Morrow, D.G., Conner-Garcia, T., Graumlich, J.F., & Murray, M.D. Memory [pdf]
Information foraging across the lifespan: Search and switch in unknown patches
Chin, J., Payne, B.R., Fu, W.T., Morrow, D.G., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. TopiCS in Cognitive Science [pdf]
Education and learning: Lifespan perspectives
Stine-Morrow, E. A. L., & Payne, B. R. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences [pdf]
Modeling longitudinal changes in older adults' memory for spoken discourse: Findings from the ACTIVE cohort
Payne, B.R., Gross, A., Parisi, J., Sisco, S., Stine-Morrow, E.A.L., Marsiske, M., & Rebok, G. Memory [pdf]
Training versus engagement as paths to cognitive enrichment with aging
Stine-Morrow, E.A.L., Payne, B.R., Roberts, B.W., Kramer, A.F., Morrow, D.G., Payne, L., Hill, P.L., Jackson, J.J., Gao, X., Noh, S.R., Janke, M., & Parisi, J. M. Psychology and Aging [pdf]
Age differences in wrap-up during sentence understanding: Evidence from ex-Gaussian distributional analyses of reading time
Payne, B.R. & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Psychology and Aging [pdf]
Aging and individual differences in binding during sentence understanding: Evidence from temporary and global syntactic attachment ambiguities
Payne, B.R., Grison, S., Gao, X., Christianson, K., Morrow, D.G., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Cognition [pdf]
Perceived social support predicts increased conscientiousness during older adulthood.
Hill, P.L., Payne, B.R., Jackson, J.J., Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. & Roberts, B.W. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences [pdf]
Aging, parafoveal preview, and semantic integration in sentence processing: Testing the cognitive workload of wrap-up.
Payne, B.R. & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Psychology and Aging [pdf]
Information foraging in unknown patches across the lifespan.
Chin, J., Payne, B.R., Battles, A., Fu, W.T., Morrow, D.G., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. 34th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society [pdf]
The effects of print exposure on sentence processing and memory among older adults: Evidence for efficiency and reserve.
Payne, B.R., Gao, X., Noh, S.R., Anderson, C.J., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition. [pdf]
Can an old dog learn (and want to experience) new tricks? Cognitive training changes openness in older adults.
Jackson, J.J., Hill, P.L., Payne, B.R., Roberts, B.W., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Psychology and Aging. [pdf]
Memory self-efficacy predicts responsiveness to inductive reasoning training in older adults.
Payne, B.R., Jackson, J.J, Hill, P.L., Gao, X., Roberts, B.W., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences. [pdf]
In the zone: Flow state and cognition in older adults.
Payne, B.R., Jackson, J.J., Noh, S.R., & Stine-Morrow, E.A.L. Psychology and Aging. [pdf]